CakePHP Book

Learning a new framework can be intimidating and exciting at the same time. To help you along, we have created a cookbook packed with examples and recipes to get the common tasks completed. If you are new, you should start off with the Quick Start Guide as it will give you a quick tour of what CakePHP has to offer and how it works.

After you’ve finished the Quickstart tutorial, you can brush up on the key elements in a CakePHP application:

  • The CakePHP request cycle
  • The conventions that CakePHP uses
  • Controllers handle requests and co-ordinate your models and the responses your application creates
  • Views are the presentation layer in your application. They give you powerful tools to create HTML, JSON and the other outputs your application needs
  • Models are the key ingredient in any application. They handle validation, and domain logic within your application


  • How to use CakePHP
  • Listing and viewing records
  • Adding and editing records
  • Deleting records
  • Adding a login
  • Including a plugin


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