Since its debut in 2005, CakePHP’s main thrust has been to make software development easy, fast, and painless. In a span of just 11 years, CakePHP proved its worth by withstanding the test of time and earning its place as the premier framework for software development. Its success in this grand effort can be gauged by how enthusiastically it has been embraced by the software community: a whopping 8 million visitors; 29,908 commits; and 30 million page views!
What are the secrets behind its enduring popularity? What features and benefits account for its continued appeal? Why would anyone want to use CakePHP? These are some of the questions we will answer below.
Solid and Impregnable Security Features
One main reason you want to use CakePHP is for its solid security attributes. With incidents of cyber security breaches and random computer-generated-attacks at an all-time high, who isn’t worried about website security these days? Gone are the days when security used to be optional. Today, security is a mandatory feature that all websites must ensure if they are to thrive and survive.
Framework support for security varies from one framework to another but CakePHP is by far the finest in security among frameworks for PHP because of its unmatched set of security tools and safeguards it incorporates. These include among other things input validation, data sanitization, SQL injection, CSRF (cross site request forgery - prevents unauthorized commands from being transferred), and XSS (cross site scripting - prevents malicious content from being delivered). It also features hashing and advanced encryption algorithms such as SHA1, SHA256, MD5, Blowfish, and Rijndael/AES-256).
CakePHP Facilitates Development
If security was its only strength, CakePHP would still remain a top contender. But CakePHP also excels in the ease and simplicity with which software applications can be developed. Featuring a lean MVC architecture that neatly organizes code according to function; conventions that facilitate standardization; and scaffolding and code generation tools that streamline development, CakePHP has everything you need to develop a highly functioning and trouble-free website in a very short time. Moreover, its support for all the popular and major databases such as MySQL, SQLite, PostgreSQL, and Microsoft SQL Server as well as for caching engines such as Memcached or Redis will be greeted with pleasure by all developers.
Simplifies Migration and Compatibility
CakePHP also makes maintaining migration path very easy for developers because tools do most of the work. Moreover, new features and updates are enumerated clearly making it easy for developers to keep abreast of the latest versions of the framework among other things.
Abundant and Readily Available Documentation
CakePHP's documentation is truly phenomenal! It not only provides a detailed explanation of the entire framework along with a complete API reference but also features hundreds of instructional manuals and video tutorials. Moreover, all are accessible online. Certification paths and training venues are also available for those who want to delve even deeper towards mastery.
Totally Free License
Best of all, CakePHP's code is open source, totally free, and available under MIT license that allows commercial use!
The above list of features makes it clear that CakePHP’s popularity is earned and well deserved. No framework has ever been able to simultaneously provide so many benefits in such a short time. Please contact us if you have any questions or want to know how CakePHP can help you with your project.